Websocket Orderbook snapshots
Route path: /orderbooks-snapshots
After successfully establishing a connection with the Websocket Server, the Websocket Client sends the following request to subscribe to a specific topic:
{ "Method": "subscribe", "CurrencyPairs": ['BTC_USDT'] }
After a successful subscription, the Websocket Client will receive a confirmation message:
{ "Result": "true" } After that, once the subscribed data is updated, the Websocket Client will receive the update message pushed by the Server
The format to unsubscribe is as follows:
{ "Method": "unsubscribe", "CurrencyPairs": ['BTC_USDT'] }
Confirmation of Unsubscription:
{ "Result": "true" }
Parameter | Description |
CurrencyPairCode | Currency pair code |
Bids | Array of bids |
Asks | Array of asks |
Bid/Ask model
Parameter | Description |
CurrencyPairCode | Currency pair code |
IsBid | True/False |
Amount | Order amount |
Price | Order price |
DateCreated | Order creation date |